Humberside, Lincolnshire & North Yorkshire CRC (HLNY CRC) protects your community by stopping offenders from committing more crime.
We supervise people aged 18 and over in the community who are sentenced by the court to either a Community Order or a Suspended Sentence Order. We also supervise people who are released from prison on licence, and commission a service called Through the Gate which aims to help prisoners preparing to make the transition from custody through to the community.
The best way to prevent people from becoming victims of crime is to stop people from committing crime. This is why rehabilitation is central to our approach. Our skilled probation staff use our innovative Interchange Model in order to affect change. We created the model after analysing what works and further developing it in conjunction with academics from across the criminal justice service.
Our approach to reducing re-offending focuses on not only holding people to account for their actions but on supporting their rehabilitation.
Some of the problems offenders may face include:
- homelessness
- unemployment
- drug or alcohol misuse
- health issues
- debt
Ensuring the people we supervise get the right support they need to address these issues is central to helping them stop committing more crime.
We do this using a wide variety of approaches, such as:
- supervision on a one-to-one basis
- programmes and interventions that address behaviours linked to crime
- Community Payback
- women specific initiatives – such as women’s centres and programmes
- approaches aimed at supporting prolific offenders to stop them committing more crime
- working in partnership with a wide range of agencies to support people as they reintegrate into the community
- Through the Gate, which is aimed at offenders leaving custody
We have many success stories of people whom we have helped reintegrate into society, as well as statistics that show what we do works.
HLNY CRC is one of five CRCs run by Purple Futures, a partnership led by Interserve and that also includes charities and social enterprises. Purple Futures provides probation and rehabilitation services on behalf of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) in five areas of the UK. To find out more about Interserve, click here.
The CRCs were launched following the Government’s Transforming Rehabilitation reforms that came into effect in 2015. The reform created 21 CRCs to supervise offenders assessed as posing either a low or medium risk of committing a serious crime. The legislation also established a National Probation Service to supervise high risk offenders.
Purple Futures successfully bid for the contracts to deliver rehabilitation services in five contract areas: Cheshire & Greater Manchester; Merseyside; West Yorkshire; Humberside, Lincolnshire & North Yorkshire and the Hampshire & Isle of Wight.
To read more about the Government’s objectives click here
Equality and diversity
We are committed to making sure our services are accessible for all of our service users, and that everyone is given the best chance to not re-offend.
The HLNY Community Rehabilitation Company works within the legal framework of the Public Sector Equality Duty – part of the Equality Act 2010. This means the way we deliver our services must give due regard to:
- eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation on the basis of someone’s protected characteristics
- advancing equality for people with protected characteristics
- fostering good relations between people with protected characteristics and those who don’t share those characteristics.
Protected characteristics are:
- age
- disability
- gender reassignment
- marriage and civil partnership
- maternity and pregnancy
- race and ethnicity
- religion and belief (or no religion or belief)
- sex
- sexual orientation.
Also, Purple Futures, as part of Interserve Justice, has recently signed an ‘Inclusive Culture Pledge’ with the EW group (an organisation with a special interest in supporting organisations improve their practice around diversity). This means we are making a public commitment to improve how everyone is able to access our services in a way that is right for them.
Currently each CRC has an Equality and Diversity Strategy Group, chaired by a senior manager, to oversee how we’re doing with making our services as accessible, inclusive and relevant as possible – for everyone.
We set equality objectives each year based on what our information sources are telling us about how we are doing.
If you want to see how we did last year, and what our current focus for improving things are, please click to read our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report.
Our main focus for this year involves:
- understanding and implementing best practice for our younger service users – those aged 18-2 – who are over represented in breach and reoffending
- continuing to provide specialist and informed services for women service users
- producing a best practice guide for working with Black, Asian, and minority ethnic service users
- implementing national guidance for working with transgender service users
- trialling partnerships to support veterans
- improving access to mental health services for our service users
- ensuring we have a process to analyse our policies and practices for their impact on equality and inclusion
- providing training for staff
- ensuring our data collection about diversity information is as complete as possible.
If you are a service user, or have an interest in any aspect of equality and diversity and want to be more involved in helping us do better please, consider the following:
- give us feedback on your experiences or thoughts about how we can make our services better for all people, or for particular groups of people
share your expertise if you have information or skills that could help us - if asked, please complete your diversity information when we ask you – it is protected by data protection, and as well as ensuring we understand your individual needs as a service user, we also need to understand the impact of what we are doing for different groups of people more generally
- if you are a current service user consider speaking to your case manager about maybe joining your local equality and diversity strategy group
To contact the the CRCs’ equality and diversity officer, please email: [email protected]