We welcome comments, compliments and complaints from the people using our services. We work to high standards and we hope this is reflected in your experience with us.
We take all comments seriously and value them as a way of helping us improve services.
That sounds fine – but what if I have a complaint?
Complaints can be made by any person including, but not limited to:
- service users
- victims of crime (or their family)
- members of the public
To be considered, your complaint has to be about an action or decision, or failure to act or decide, on the part of the employees of HLNY CRC.
We can’t look into something that is already being investigated by the police or subject to a decision of the courts, statutory tribunal, Parole Board, Crown Prosecution Service or the Criminal Cases Review Commission.
Your complaint won’t normally be considered if it is about something that happened more than 12 months ago, or that you could have known about a year ago.
Click here to read the leaflet Making a Complaint
Talking face-to-face or over the telephone with the person involved can often be the solution. If this is difficult, ask to discuss it with a more senior member of staff.
You can make a formal complaint in writing. You should sign it and send it to Jackie Green, Director of Operations of the Humberside, Lincolnshire & North Yorkshire Community Rehabilitation Company.
Jackie Green
Director of Operations
The Humberside, Lincolnshire & North Yorkshire
Community Rehabilitation Company Limited
Lincoln Probation Office
8 Corporation Street
Someone can make a formal complaint on your behalf, if you give them permission in writing.
Within five working days of receiving your letter the chief will explain how your complaint will be handled. He will give the date when you can expect the outcome.
If your complaint is about an issue involving the chief you should address your letter to:
Kim Thornden-Edwards
Director of Justice
Capital Tower
91 Waterloo Road
If you are still not satisfied:
Write to the Director of Operations. Explain why you want to appeal. The Director of Operations will acknowledge your letter within five working days of receiving it. A panel will look at your appeal. They may ask to meet you and the investigating officer. The outcome will be sent to you within 20 working days of receipt of the appeal. The panel will let you know if they need longer to make a decision.
If we have been supervising you or preparing a report on you, and you have taken these steps and are still unsatisfied with the decision…
You can write to the Prison and Probation Ombudsman within one month of your appeal decision if you have:
- been under the supervision of either the National Probation Service or a Community Rehabilitation Company
- been housed in probation accommodation
- had a report prepared about you for use in court
Prison and Probation Ombudsman
PO Box 70769