“Prior to working for probation, I worked for the NHS as a patient data officer for three years. This basically involved dealing with medical records and GP registrations. It wasn’t my dream job, but it was a job I was good at, with lovely colleagues, and at the age I was when I worked there, it paid for the nights out I used to have.
“I joined the probation service ten years ago as a 22-year-old who wanted a change from my current job, with the opportunity to progress. Ideally I wanted to progress into the HR/recruitment side of things. I didn’t choose probation for any particular reason, it was just a case of a job vacancy arose that I knew I would be good at and I thought there may be scope for progression. Through working in the probation service, I have gained an ILM Level 3 Award in First Line Management, as well as a Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Business & Administration.
“Although I have never progressed to another role, this has been more due to available opportunities and timing with personal circumstances. Now that I have my son, the idea of progression is on the back burner.
“This may change once he is older and at school. However, I am currently very content in the role that I am in. I enjoy the job that I do and continue to adapt to the many changes we face and move forward to help provide administration support to my colleagues.
“A typical day at work involves going through emails, prioritising what work needs doing first, as well as going through our ‘to do’ tray to deal with any induction packs, reports and any other work that needs administrative action.
“As a Drug Rehabilitation Requirement administrator, there is daily attendance to input, contact with the provider chasing information, as well as monthly review reports to create, update and send to court. Any documents needed are scanned and upload to nDELIUS – the national probation service case management system. We take plenty of phone calls, from reception, service users and other agencies and deal with all their queries.
“Working in an open plan office there is plenty of opportunity to chat with colleagues, all of whom are all lovely, and I couldn’t imagine enjoying the job as much without them. There is a very good rapport within the office, and we all offer each other support, advice, and most importantly a smile and good morning every day!
“Having spent time on reception, I have seen how service users can literally turn their lives around, finding accommodation or employment, moving away from drug and alcohol use, and moving away from crime”
“Working for probation opened my eyes to the city around me. I think prior to then I never quite realised how chaotic and extreme some people’s lives could be. I started to realise that service users relied upon the help and support and guidance that the probation service could give.
“Having spent time on reception, I have seen how with that support, service users can literally turn their lives around, finding accommodation or employment, moving away from drug and alcohol use, and moving away from crime. Their lives can change in such positive ways through the work that the CRC do with them.
“When I first started at probation my then line manager Sara Harding provided a wealth of knowledge, support and encouragement for me to find confidence within my role. She supported any application for further qualifications and would be the first person to put my name forward for anything additional that would help with my desire to progress in the CRC.
“Outside of work, I have been with my husband Dave for eight years and we have been married for four years. I have a three-year-old son, Harrison, and four stepchildren who stay with us every other weekend. My son keeps me busy on the days when I am not at work, with swimming, dance class, rugby tots and numerous trips to the park and duck ponds.
“My remaining free time is spent with family and friends, with days out into town, to the seaside and in summer the occasional trip to a beer garden. On an evening, I love nothing better than to snuggle up on the sofa with Harrison to watch a film.”