Publications & Performance

01/09/2014 - Interim HLNY CRC Ltd Business Plan 2014-2015

Humberside, Lincolnshire and North Yorkshire Community Rehabilitation Company Ltd has today unveiled its interim (2014-2015) business plan.

The document lays out the strategy and configuration of the CRC as it enters a year of transformation and delivers the CRC interim contract set by NOMS.

This document was updated on the 22/10/2014, the update reflects an accurate calculation of caseload total for the 3 areas (p. 19).

11/08/2014 - Evaluation Of SOVA's Lincolnshire Offender Mentoring Scheme

In January 2014 a team of researchers from the University of Lincoln undertook an evaluation of Sova’s Lincolnshire Offender Mentoring Programme (LOM). LOM is run in partnership with Lincolnshire Probation Trust.

LOM works to address the multiple barriers faced by disadvantaged offenders. The project offers community mentoring and a range of intervention activities that aim to enable its participants to realise their full potential and reduce re-offending. The researchers interviewed 12 participants, which included 6 LPT staff, 2 Sova staff, 2 mentors and 2 offenders.

Despite LOM being in its infancy, the research found that Sova and LPT had developed an effective inter-agency partnership with excellent levels of communication. The research also found the LOM is valued by both LPT staff and offenders and that it helped improve the service offered to offenders. Whilst the sample size of the research is relatively small there was evidence to suggest that LPT staff and offenders thought LOM had a positive impact on offenders’ behaviour. The research concludes that LOM should continue to be supported and further extended to other suitable offenders who would clearly benefit from the programme.


11/08/2014 - Evaluation Of SOVA's Lincolnshire Offender Mentoring Scheme

Click here to read the publication.

24/06/2014 - NOMS What is Probation?

NOMS (the National Offender Management Service) recently released a series of 3 publications aimed at introducing Probation services to offenders and victims. In addition, the documents contain a wealth of useful information and advice. The documents are currently available in English and Welsh.

Click here to read the publications.

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