Offenders give a community centre first makeover in more than 25 years

Volunteers, Centre Committee and Byram Parish Council have praised offenders on Community Payback for their work on the renovation of the Anne Sharpe Community Centre.

The Anne Sharpe Community Centre recently requested the help of HLNY CRC to carry out a Community Payback project at the centre which hasn’t been painted for almost 25 years.

The team also carried out work to clear paths and walk ways around the bungalows for older residents on St Edwards Close which is linked to the centre - clearing them of weeds and edging off the paths.

Jennifer Mitchell, chairperson for Byram Parish Council, said: “We’d like to say a big thank you for all the work the Community Payback lads have put in. The centre looks far better than it has done for many years and all who have used it over the past three weeks have said the same.

“We’d like to say a big thank you for all the work the Community Payback lads have put in. The centre looks far better than it has done for many years and all who have used it over the past three weeks have said the same”

“The paths around St Edwards Close are far safer now they have been cleared and look a treat. All the Community Paybacks lads have been extremely polite and pleasant with committee and parish councillors who have called in and we would like to pass on our thanks to them.”

Community Payback in North Yorkshire is managed by HLNY CRC in partnership with several organisations and aims to rehabilitate offenders through working on projects that benefit the community.

Chris Long, placement coordinator at HLNY CRC, said: “Community Payback is a punishment for breaking the law but it is also a way for those on probation to learn new skills and to support their rehabilitation. In this project, they have made a real contribution to the local community in Byram and their community centre.

“The place looks great. We are also going to be working our way around the estate edging off their paths in the very near future.”

The Community Payback scheme works across a wide range of projects in the community in North Yorkshire renovating community gardens, parks, church yards and schools.

The Community Payback Team at HLNY CRC would like to hear about other projects which residents think will make a real difference to their community. You can nominate project here