Police & Crime Commissioners

The CRC works closely with three Police and Crimes Commissioners (PCC) on initiatives designed to reduce reoffending.

Police and Crime Commissioners have replaced the old committee-based system of Police Authorities. They are elected to make sure that local police meet the needs of the community. PCC’s are accountable for how crime and community safety is tackled.

Commissioners are responsible for a range of duties, including:

  • Seeking the public’s views on policing and community safety decisions that affect them directly.
  • Keeping the public up-to-date and informed about police performance and the commissioner’s work.
  • Monitoring and scrutinising the performance of the Chief Constable and Police.
  • Publishing easy-to-access and transparent information about decisions, budgets, performance and governance.
  • Working with partners to co-ordinate community safety and crime prevention activities.
  • Commissioning appropriate services for local people.

The CRC works closely with the Police and Crime Commissioners.