Quality Assurance

To ensure that the people supervised by our Community Rehabilitation Companies receive the best possible service, and to make sure that we are doing the best we can to protect the communities we serve, we have launched a new framework to drive performance.

Interserve launched the Interchange Quality Assurance Model (IQAM) in April, 2017. The model has been developed to provide the CRCs and the Ministry of Justice with assurance that the standards of practice people receive across case management, interventions and our supply chain is at a level consistent with our own high expectations - and those of Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation. Our aim is to use a consistent and joined up approach to quality assurance that supports Interchange and gives assurance, evidences good practice and targets improvements. IQAM adheres to Interserve’s values.

Our Quality Improvement Plan is at the heart of the model. The plan has a clear approach that focuses on key areas of development that will be drawn from the results of performance data, reports provided by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation, service user feedback, stakeholder feedback and the internal IQAM Audit process. IQAM streamlines the quality assurance processes which previously existed individually across five CRCs, and provides a framework which co-ordinates all quality assurance activity. It involves a quarterly internal inspection process and local auditing. It will also operate to a clear schedule to include sample sizes and themes, managed by the performance team, and informed by regular quality and performance meetings. The model provides a clear process for managing the identification of quality issues, the approach to address them and rigorous feedback and monitoring through to improvement.