Our aim is to manage all offenders given Community Orders, Suspended Sentence Orders or who are subject to prison sentences or licenses to ensure they complete them successfully and stop committing crime.

We rigorously enforce community sentences and prison licences while holding people to account for their actions and supporting their rehabilitation. We’ve a strong record of reducing re-offending, managing people safely in the community and of providing an effective and efficient service.

It is our responsibility to deliver the sentences of the court by managing and supervising people in the community via a variety of methods, each of which is intimately connected to our Interchange Model.

They are as follows:

  • supervision of people on Community Orders or Suspended Sentence Orders
  • supporting people in custody
  • supervision of people on licence from prison
  • Integrated Offender Management
  • programmes and courses
  • training and employment
  • Community Payback
  • curfew services
  • Through the Gate
  • Senior Attendance Centres