Almost a third of your Community Payback hours – up to 30 per cent of your unpaid work order – can be spent through training for Employment, Training and Education.
This is a great opportunity for you to learn new skills and complete some of your hours at a time that suits you and in a way which will help you either get a job or improve the job that you have got.
We have prepared a library of free courses and contacts in this link. The link contains a wide range of opportunities, from practical construction courses through to mental health courses and training programmes aimed at specific jobs.
The Open University also offer several free courses, and these can be viewed by clicking here. Helpful tips about employment and training website can be read by clicking here.
Please take a look and enjoy learning a new skill that will last long after you have completed your unpaid work hours. Just remember to keep a record of the time you have spent and any certificates you gain to be used as evidence of completion for your Community Payback.
If you have any questions relating to Employment, Training and Education courses please speak to your case manager.