Our Integrated Through the Gate service supports people preparing for release from custody to successfully reintegrate back into their community.

Our aim is to reduce reoffending by supporting people to make positive changes to their lives.

Historically we have worked with our commissioned services – Shelter, St Giles and Catch 22 – to support prisoners prior to release on areas such as accommodation, finances and employment, training and education. Now the improved service we have rolled out, which is supported by 120 new staff working in the 18 prisons across the areas covered by our Community Rehabilitation Companies, will also be working with prisoners as they near their release date to improve their skills, address drug misuse issues and improve their well-being.

The support will not only extend through the gate but will also pick back up if the service user is unsuccessful and is returned to prison. The service user will receive a continuity of service that up until now has been missing from our criminal justice system.

Our staff will be using our Interchange Model to ensure that service users receive the best possible evidence-backed support that will focus on their strengths in order to promote change.

View a short film about ITTG.