Other Interventions

One of the aims of the CRC is to ensure the proper punishment of offenders. But another is the rehabilitation of offenders - helping them to become a positive member of society. A whole host of factors can be behind people’s crimes. These can include drugs and alcohol dependency, lack of literacy and numeracy skills, unstable backgrounds or an inability to deal with the life situations and decisions. Whatever the underlying causes, it is important to tackle them if offenders are to change their behaviour and move away from crime. Our supervision and various interventions are designed to do just that.

Interventions tackle the causes of offending.

Not being able to get a job or sustain employment is a key factor that drives some offenders to crime. Evidence suggests that offenders who gain sustained employment are far less likely to reoffend than those without a job. With this in mind, we can offer help with key skills such as literacy and numeracy, and may give offenders the opportunity to work towards NVQ awards that will be recognised by employers. This can help offenders into employment and break the cycle of reoffending.

Training helps offenders find employment and break the cycle of re-offending.

As with employment, a lack of housing is a key factor that leads to offending behaviour. The CRC seeks to assist offenders into settled and suitable accommodation in order to provide a positive framework for effective rehabilitation, resettlement and risk management. Settled accommodation can provide stability to a previously unstructured life and act as a springboard towards other positive outcomes such as community integration, family reconciliation and access to work or training opportunities.

Lack of housing is a key factor that leads to offending behaviour.

Both the Drug Rehabilitation Requirement and Alcohol Treatment are designed in order to reduce or remove substance dependency. The CRC commissions services for drugs and alcohol interventions with police, health and local authority partners through Drug and Alcohol Action Teams (DAATs). Our partnership approach to substance misuse can help offenders break the cycle of drugs and alcohol dependency that may have contributed to their offending.

Treating drug and alcohol dependency may contribute to reduce reoffending.