
Accredited Programmes are nationally approved courses designed to tackle the root causes of offending. One, or more, can are included as conditions of an offenders sentence, meaning they have to be completed or they will be taken back to court to receive a more serious sentence.

The CRC offers a variety of programmes, reflecting the fact that different crimes have different causes. They each use methods designed to reduce the risk of reoffending, based on research into what actually works best to help stop offending. The ideas, theories and research behind accredited programmes together make up the ‘What Works’ initiative.

Programmes are now a part of most community sentences. They measure an offenders motivation and progress, and help decide what further work is needed to aid rehabilitation if necessary.

The programmes operating throughout this CRC area are:

    • Building Better Relationships
    • Drink Impaired Drivers
    • Thinking Skills

Accredited Programmes are designed to tackle the root causes of offending.