Martin Davies - Chief Executive
Martin was appointed to the role of CEO and Chair of the Board for the ‘Humberside, Lincolnshire, and North Yorkshire Community Rehabilitation Company’ (CRC) on 1 June 2014. He is responsible for both the Board and Senior Management oversight and ensuring that delivery of offender and victim services is of the highest standards.
Prior to this appointment, Martin was CEO of Lincolnshire Probation Trust, a post he had held since January 2012. Before this in a career dating back to 2003, he held various position’s in probation including Assistant Chief Officer in Avon and Somerset Probation Trust, where he specialised in approved premises, Interventions, Social Enterprises and LDU leader.
Martin completed his degree in Criminology and Politics at Lincoln University in 2003 and also holds a postgraduate diploma in Management from the Chartered Institute of Management.
In his spare time, Martin is completing a Masters in Applied Criminology at the University of Cambridge and whenever he can, he enjoys the occasional visit to a premiership or international rugby game - but his true passion is a love for all motorsport!
Amy Gilbert - Head Of Operations
Amy Gilbert was appointed as the Head of Operations (HO) for the HLNY Community Rehabilitation Company Limited from 1 June 2014.
As the HO, Amy is a member of the CRC’s Senior Management Team and works with the LDU directors to ensure the overall direction and control of operational activities across the CRC.
Prior to this Amy was a Director for the former Lincolnshire Probation Trust, with responsibilities for LDU West, approved premises, MAPPA, safeguarding, equalities and Quality Assurance.
Amy’s career started 2002 as a trainee probation officer for Lincolnshire Probation. She qualified in 2004 and one of her first appointments was to the Public Protection team for a couple of years, followed by a move to Humberside Probation as a senior probation officer in Grimsby.
After six months in Offender Management, Amy took responsibility for the PPO and DRR team and led the development and roll out of IOM in North East Lincolnshire.
After two years, Amy moved to Hull as an Assistant Director with responsibility for Business Development, prisons and Interventions. This was swiftly followed by an appointment as Assistant Director of Offender Management.
Amy is heavily involved with Delta Rehabilitation Limited, the staff mutual, helping to design the operating model and contributing to the bid writing.
Out of work, as well as being mum to three young children, she is busy studying for an MBA at Hull University which she completes in September.
Other interests include camping and she is heavily involved with the Cubs & Scouts movement.
Mel Gregory - Director of Corporate Services
Mel Gregory was appointed as the Head of Corporate Services (HCS) for the CRC from 1 June 2014 and is the second Director of the HLNY CRC Limited Company. As the HCS, Mel is a member of the CRC’s Senior Management Team and works with her colleague senior managers to ensure the overall direction, coordination and control of activities to achieve the CRC’s strategic priorities.
Prior to this Mel was the Director of Corporate Services and Secretary to the Probation Board for the former Lincolnshire Probation Trust. She led on a number of cross-area activities, such as the Lot 4 CP bid and represented the East Midlands Region on a number of groups at a national level. In 2010 Mel undertook a short secondment to the Director of Offender Management’s office as Trust Development Manager and assisted four Trusts in the East Midlands in moving to Trust status from 1 April 2010.
Mel’s career started in 1980 with the National Health Service. In 1988 Mel moved to work for the Leicestershire Health Authority Planning Department before returning to Lincoln in 1989 to take up a post with Lincoln City Council in the housing department. Mel remained at the Council until she joined the Lincolnshire Probation Service in 1992, taking up a newly created post to oversee finance, personnel, premises and administration.
Mel is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development following 3 years of study. Mel also possesses the Institute of Health Service Management Diploma following 3 years of part-time study from 1981 to 1984, plus a Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies and a Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management.
Out of work Mel enjoys playing and watching a variety of sports and took up golf four years ago. Although work restricts the amount of golf that Mel can play, she has managed to reduce her golf handicap from 36 to 23.2 and is the proud holder of the Sanders Salver, having previously won the Wilson and Dring trophies!! Other interests include reading, cooking and DIY, when she has the time.