You have been sentenced by the courts to complete a Community Order or a Suspended Sentence Order that we will be supervising. We will support you in your efforts to stop committing crime and to build a better life.

A Community Order is a sentence that aims to hold you to account for your actions, but to also support your rehabilitation. The order means that you will complete a number of requirements – such as Community Payback, observe a curfew, or undergo treatment for drug or alcohol addiction - instead of going to prison.

The Suspended Sentence Order carries the additional punitive measure that if the offender commits another crime, they are jailed for the length of the suspended element in addition to whatever sentence their fresh crime carries.

Our approach to working with you is called the Interchange Model. We will create a plan with you to support your rehabilitation and will focus on your strengths in order to help you realise your goals. We will also look at areas of your life where you might need support. This might include help with:

  • accommodation
  • addressing substance misuse
  • managing debt
  • education, training and employment signposting
  • skills