If you have been given a supervision requirement by the court as part of your Community Order you will be required to attend appointments with an offender manager from the CRC. The subject of the supervision and how often you need to report will be specified in a sentence plan.
Typically in supervision you will:
- Work to identify the things in your life that need to change and then get support to help you change them
- Get support from your probation officer on fulfilling other aspects of your Community Order
- Be referred to other services for help and support to address your needs such as education and training, housing or help for drug and alcohol misuse.
You should:
- Listen carefully to what your responsible officer says and do what they ask you to do
- Turn up for appointments on time
- Make sure you turn up in a fit state to take part
- Show respect to probation staff and other people you meet during your sentence
- Tell your offender manager straight away if you plan to change your address or phone number
- Tell your offender manager straight away if you are unable to keep an appointment or if you have a problem with anything else in your sentence
- Stick to any other rules you may be given as part of your Community Order
- Tell your offender manager if you are having any other problems with completing your sentence
- Let your offender manager visit you at home if they need to
- Stay out of trouble.
A clear and understandable Sentence Plan, which you will be expected to sign and follow during your supervision.
Your offender manager will:
- Explain your sentence to you
- Talk to you about the plan for your sentence
- Talk to you about what you need help with
- Make clear when they can help you with it
- Make clear what you must do and how long you will need to do it for
- Make clear what will happen if you do not attend appointments or if you do not do what they ask you to do
- Review your progress and work with you to help you complete your sentence successfully
- Treat you fairly.
If you do not cooperate or comply with your Community Order or Suspended Sentence Order, you may be taken back to court.