Community Payback Project Nomination Details

Community Payback projects range from litter removal to clearing dense under growth, and environmental projects through repairing and redecorating community centres or removing graffiti. Offenders usually work as part of a team, monitored by a supervisor, and will work all day with short breaks, although there are some opportunities for individual placements.

We can’t do this without your help. We need to know about projects you think we could be working on.

To be considered your project must meet the following criteria:

  • It must benefit the local community
  • It must not take paid work away from others
  • No one must make a profit from the work
  • It must be challenging and demanding
  • It must be worthwhile and constructive
  • Offenders must be seen to be putting something back into the community.

The Community Payback team will assess the project for suitability and for health and safety implications.

Once the work has been completed a plaque will be displayed with the Community Payback logo, if appropriate. This will indicate where offenders have positively contributed to improving a neighbourhood.

The CRC actively encourages the public, faith groups, local businesses, voluntary groups, crime safety partnerships, and local authorities to contact us to nominate projects that will make a real difference to our communities.

Click here to nominate a Community Payback project.